Orange County Rental Truck Accident Attorney


It can be extremely inconvenient when you are moving furniture to a new home and get into a rental truck accident. Rental truck accidents frequently happen every year. Between 2005 to 2010, there were 177 fatal accidents with 163 injured victims. When you get into a rental truck accident, you have to deal with the rental company and the other parties involved. You can work with a traffic accident attorney to help clarify how to proceed in an accident you were not at fault for.

Get the help you need regarding your rental truck accident. Large vehicle accidents increase your risk of fatal injuries and are incredibly dangerous. However, you can get compensation for your wounds with the help of an educated attorney. Call Timothy J. Ryan & Associates for a free consultation.

How to Proceed After a Rental Truck Accident

You have to deal with multiple parties after a rental truck accident; however, the driver who caused the accident is held liable. You can work with a reliable law firm to prove your case.

Who is Responsible for Rental Truck Accidents?

Accidents happen for several reasons, where a majority of them are because of distracted drivers. Sometimes drivers are speeding, texting, or not simply not paying attention to the road. When you are following the rules of the road, you will not be responsible for the accident. That is because you are paying attention to traffic laws and driving safely. The person who broke the rules and made a mistake is the person who has to compensate you. California is an at-fault state, which means that the financial responsibility is on the person who caused the accident.

I Wrecked My Rental Truck. What Now?

When you have gotten into an accident, you should take the following steps:

You Have to Decide Who’s Covering the Bills

The truck rental company will either expect you to pay for insurance and cover the costs, or you can use your normal car insurance company to cover you under your current policy. When the former is the case, the rental company pays for any damages to a limit. Without this insurance, you have to pay the deductible while your car insurance company covers the costs. This is because the truck rental company will expect you to pay for damages immediately, which may come out of pocket initially. Because the truck rental company doesn’t cover all of the damages you experience, you will have to seek them from the other party.

Collect Evidence

After an accident, you will need plenty of photographs to show how the accident happened. Show where the damage was on the truck and also take pictures of your injuries.

Get a Police Report

You should call the police and wait for them to show up. This way, you can describe what you were doing on the road for an official report.

Hire an Attorney to Investigate

With the help of a legal professional, your truck accident attorney can subpoena the other driver to get their texting history. They can also request the driving record of the other driver, as well as find out if any drug tests were administered. Your lawyer can also get footage from traffic cameras to show how the accident happened.

Your Attorney Seeks a Settlement

Lawyers use a variety of tactics to negotiate a settlement with the other parties.

What Should You Do if a Rental Truck Hit a person?

When this is the case, you should call 911 and get immediate help for them. Then, wait for the police to show up. If you were at fault for it, you would have to cover their damages and get representation from a legal professional. However, there are many ways that you may not be at fault. For example, when pedestrians are not in a cross-walk and got hit rushing across a busy road. Other cases include when you get into an accident, and the other car pushed your rental truck into pedestrians. As a truck driver, this can be devastating to hit someone with a large vehicle. Get a helpful attorney on your side who can support you through these trying times.

What’s Next After a Rental Truck Accident

These frightful accidents can create massive damages for you, other parties, and any bystanders. But, when you are not at fault, you can get the representation you need to get compensation for your damages. Call Timothy J. Ryan & Associates today for a free consultation.